The NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation is an effective and accurate method of measuring your physiological stress response. It is a 12 minute computerized test, which is a totally non-invasive exam using an instrument found in research facilities around the world. Sensors are attached to your skin in such areas as your shoulder muscles, the top of your head, your waist and your hands. There are no needles or any form of skin penetration. From this computerized test, we can compare your neurological response and recovery to three types of stress challenges.
Brain Tap
Your brain is the most precious organ in your body. Even when other vital organs keep working, without brain wave activity, the body is an empty vessel. Modern science understands more about the brain than ever before. For instance, we now know that the brain is plastic — meaning that is can change itself, and does so based on the input it receives. this is called neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity means that we are NOT victims of genetics or limited by an imperfect IQ as once believed.
It also means you have the power to create your own success — your own fate, as it were — simply by providing your brain the stimulus it needs to transform you into a mental powerhouse, capable of fashioning any life you desire.